Frequently asked question

Our Futures Forum is designed for high school students in a classroom context. This could be in a classroom, after-school program, homeschool group, or community organization. So far, the project has been successful in high school ELA and Environmental Science classrooms. If you are unsure if the project is right for your context, get in touch to discuss to adapt the project to meet your students’ needs.

Yes! Participating educators will gain access to a curriculum with twenty lessons, student-facing resources, and guides for assessing student work. 

The project is 20 lessons, but depending on your classroom context, some lessons may take a few days. The classes that participated in the pilot study met every day and took five weeks to complete the project. However, the project length can be adapted based on the needs of different learning environments.

The project incorporates interdisciplinary skills, aligning most closely with high school science and ELA standards. This document highlights connections between Our Futures Forum and Common Core and NGSS Standards.

The media gallery includes examples of student work. There is also an exemplar video included in the curriculum. 

Our Futures Forum draws on research about communities of practice, constructionist learning, authentic assessment, and futures thinking. The design is also informed by dozens of qualitative interviews with high school students and teachers from classrooms across the country. 

Students interview a community member with knowledge about their chosen future theme (food, water, architecture, transportation, or health.) The curriculum includes a template for requesting participation from parents and other adults in your school community. Interviews may be conducted in person or virtually depending on what works best for your classroom. 

Reach out to the project designer Marielle Burt at mburt19@stanford.eud. 

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